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Awareness Tips and Resources*

The Network is a powerful resource for peer support, ideas and strategies to reunite children with parents. Here, we can share documents, experiences and other "Parent Pro Tips" that may help another!


Parent Pro Tip #1 - Barbie Hise, Zander's Mom

"My son, Zander, is home from Malta after he was wrongfully retained by his father. The language in the Hague return order leaves no doubt as to where my son's habitual residence is, and exposes the lengths to which the abductor was willing to go to maintain this crime against my son. The Court's very strongly-worded opinion might be of help to someone else. You can download it below. Remember, Love Alone Is Worth the Fight!" ~ Barbie Hise 

Parent Pro Tip #2 - Prevention Travel Restraint Language,

The Coalition to End International Parental Child Abduction

Parenting Plan Travel Restraint Language & The Prevent Departure Program


Is your child AT RISK for abduction?  The Parenting Plan Travel Restraint Language & the Prevent Departure Program document offers SAMPLE language that may be helpful to parents in preventing an abduction.  


It lists several examples of parenting plan travel restraints that have been reviewed  for optimal language to qualify for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Prevent Departure Program. The coalition has been advised that the custodial and non-custodial parent should be clearly identified within the court order.


Click HERE to get sample language that you can use in court.



*Do you have a Parent Pro Tip?

Send your suggestions to


All documents subject to verification and review.

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