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Parent Advocacy


Parent Advocacy is our primary focus.  As a parent-led coalition, we are uniquely qualified to understand and assist parents in returning their children home or gaining access to them abroad. We are a mix of parents whose children came home and parents who won't stop until they do.  We collaborate with an array of skills, talents and resources to educate, advocate and empower parents to do so.   


We help parents make a visual statement in support of their children by offering low-cost, professional quality posters for public events and personal use. 

Peer Advocacy

"Why can't you just go get them?"


It's a question most left-behind parents are asked by well-meaning but ill-informed friends, family and aquaintances who don't understand the complex set of circumstances, loopholes and failures of local, state, federal and international public and private sector actors that result in international parental child adbductions and wrongful retentions.  

We get it and we "get" each other, rallying around and supporting one another with protest marches, brainstorming and strategy sessions, texts, retreats, protest marches, and a weekly peer support call. 


Our referral network links parents of international child abduction and wrongful retention together for information and resource sharing to help parents know "what to do" and "what NOT to do" in efforts to return their childrens.  Parents can use the Network to find fellow parents of in their home states, and to find other parents who children are taken or held in the same nation. 



Education & Training

We believe knowledge is power. Network partners are "pulling back the curtain" on the existing systems that have allowed this problem to grow to pandemic proportions and we are collaborating to bring innovative solutions to government and to private sector actors who have a stake in returning children home.


We educate parents on how and where to press these systems both for their personal cases and for our movement against IPCA and parental alienation. iStand Parent Network hosts an Annual Conference, Embassy Walk and Congressional Education Day to empower our parents to engage nations for their children. 

© 2014 by iSTAND Parent Network Inc. All Rights Reserved

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